Online Poker In India Surge As The Country Enters Lockdown

As India enters lockdown due to the Coronavirus pandemic, people are forced to confine themselves in their houses. The silver lining is the time in hand is a good opportunity to polish your skills and practice some hobbies. For our fellow poker enthusiasts, this might be the best time to play online poker with other poker fanatics. This reflects in the data as an online search for poker has gone up to 18% which is the highest for the month of March. Poker Major online poker websites from India such as Spartan Poker and 9Stacks have reported an increase in traffic and the Sign-ups reported on websites have also gone up. A look at the google trends suggests the same: Poker India search term The peak on 30th March show the number of searches increased for the term ” Poker India” Some industry experts such as Adda52 have come forward to contribute and give back to the needy by organizing fundraisers through tournaments. Whatever amount of money is collected is to be contributed towards e...