5 tips that make you insane profits in online poker games

 Online poker is notoriously tougher than live poker. Although poker sites in India have been softer than their international counterparts historically (and to a large extent still are) the games are getting tougher, with the average player becoming significantly better at poker. With that said, poker online is still a goldmine of weak and fishy players in India. With these 7 tips, you will be instantly able to increase your profits and punish weak imbalanced players who rely on cheap tricks to win against bad opposition while not having a fundamentally solid strategy.

1) Small blind vs big blind is an all-out WAR

When action folds to you in the small blind, you want to bet large and often with your medium strength and strong holdings while occasionally trapping with your strong and premium holdings. Don't give those stinky big blind free profits by folding hands that you wouldn't play 9handed or 6handed. In the small blind if you have two cards over a 7 that's good enough to raise, if you have two cards over 10, that's enough to go ham with!. A lot of times, small blind vs big blind pots go to the guy who wants it more, as you both (should) have quite loose ranges as there are literally no other players in the pot. Don't be scared to bluff when you sense weakness. Don't be scared to bet your top pair three streets. Ever! To summarize

a) Play aggressive SB vs BB, raise with any playable hand

b) Bluff when you sense weakness, don't give the big blind free dead money.

2) Three bet your off suit broadways, call with your suited broadways

A Broadway hand is any hand containing two face cards like AQ, AJ, KQ, JQ, etc. When you are facing an open with your broadways. It is best to three-bet with your off suit broadways as these cards don't play well post-flop and like to play at a low S.P.R. They also don't want to let the villain realize any equity. Suited broadways you just want to call with though because these hands have tremendous equity against most hands. They want to realize this equity post-flop therefore they like playing at a low S.P.R (stack to pot ratio). Speaking of post-flop, these hands are hidden monsters post-flop. They can easily out flop hands as good as AA and KK. And realize tremendous equity when they get to see a turn and a river to make the many straight and flush draws they will have. You will mostly get to see turns and rivers as your hand will have enough equity with your flush draws and pairs to comfortably call a lot of turns and rivers. Don't fall in the trap of three betting your pretty suited hands, bet their ugly off suit cousins that need protection instead!

3) Overfold to large preflop sizing’s and nonsensical all-ins.

We all know the feeling. You have QJ off suit in the button with 50 big blinds, quite a playable hand that you want to play heads up. Action folds around to cutoff and he opens for 11 big blinds!!!!!. After you are done reeling from shock and questioning whether the villain is fit to be a part of civil society, you will realize you have 5 seconds to make the decision and I am telling you, fold. Please don't be a hero. That is not a bluff. Took me about 40k INR at the low stakes to realize that.

Similarly, picture this, you have 77 with 100 big blinds and action folds around to cutoff who decides to jam 100 big blinds!!!!!?????????

Just fold. I am not happy about it either but you would rather lose nothing to this stupid oblivious strategy that shows zero respect to your opponent or the mind sport of online poker games in general than fuck around and find out.

On the flip side, if you see a particular villain doing this over and over again. That is your signal of this guy being more full of shit than nit if you catch my drift. That's the time you start dragging them to the streets and bonking them. If you see someone jam a 100bb 10-15 times in an hour, you are never even supposed to fold 22 to them, depending on how extreme their tendencies are. Don't lose money to people who don't even know how to open raise!

4) Overcall flop against opponents who continuation bet flop frequently-

C-betting the flop is an essential part of a balanced poker strategy, the problem is people underdo or WAAY overdo it. If you see someone relentlessly bet post flop with any hand, they elected to play preflop. That means they are betting way too many medium strength and low strength hands. This also makes their checking range incredibly weak. If the cereal c-bettor makes the cardinal sin of checking the flop after betting 90% of the flops they played. It is your birthright to bet large with almost any two playable cards and take free pot after free pot.

If they continue hammering every flop though, you are supposed to start re-raising them on the flop with your strong holdings (any two pair+) and call them light (also known as floating the flop) with any playable holding. If they continue on the turn you can comfortably fold if you don't have much but if they don't we win an even larger free pot by betting large with any two as we know the villains checking range is capped and weak. You cannot afford to give c-betting maniacs a free pot when they show weakness, you need to hammer them or they will start walking all over you.


Yeah, I know you have heard this hundreds of times. But that doesn't make it any less important

Tilt can make good players lose money and bad villains make money. Anger is never good, in poker though, it is game and career-ending. You don't want to repress your emotions in your head and let them boil and swirl inside until this unstable concoction explodes and burns away your bankroll. Get up from the table, take a walk. Go boop your dog's nose, yell choice Hindustani curses at a wall if you have to. Take a minute or five, but when you come back to the table, be ready to play again to the best of your capabilities with no ego and no anger. Losing a hand feels bad, bad beats feel horrible. There is no denying that what matters is what you do about it. Do you give in to the pressure and the odds being stacked against you? Or do you do something about it?

In today's era of Indian online poker. Aggression pays dividends and being able to counter one-trick strategies (like the 90% flop c-bet) pays big dividends. All the tips we just gave you can be instantly used in your next game and once you master their execution and apply them regularly. You will increase your win rate significantly. Remember being a winning player is not an achievement, but a habit.

Source url- https://sites.google.com/view/profits-in-online-poker-games/


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