7 Tricks All Online Players Must Know

 Playing poker online in India can be difficult when you are just starting, It is much more rapid in pace and there are a gazillion better players out there. Fortunately just because they are more experienced, doesn't mean they are pros. While you will run into the occasional pro, most online poker players are one-trick ponies who rely on particularly exploiting a weakness in the games of the newbies, here are 7 tricks to help you turn the tables on them! Our goal is to help you dominate when you are playing online poker.

1). You want to call early position/middle position opens with your smaller pocket pairs (22-77)-

In Late position with 25bb+ stacks and try to set mine-Set mining is playing a small pocket pair hoping to hit a set or fold, this way you end up getting away from sticky spots by making easy folds with a small investment and having clear value bets when you do hit. You can always bluff/protection bet when you have a good draw/low board post-flop, aside from just hitting a set and stacking the enthu-cutlet who thought his Ace-queen top pair was good.

2). you want to call more when you are in position, and 3bet/fold more out of position.

Positional advantage allows you to realize more equity, you get to see what others do and act last! You want to call your high equity holdings and navigate them post-flop with your post-flop advantage while forcing your opponent to make decisions with off suit premiums with good blockers that when called/raised you will get to play at a low SPR (Like those hands want to)

3). How to play against 3bets deep-stacked early/mid position you want to- 

4bet all your small suited aces (advanced concept) hands like A2, A3, A4 fit nicely in this category.

4bet Ace king offsuit, suited whatever. Get it in with Ace-King, If they 5bet you keep raising until your stacks go in, never fold Ace king against one opponent, ever. I forbid you. 

4bet Pocket Tens to Pocket KK with zero concerns, pretty self-explanatory

Call all your suited broadways-They play well at a low SPR and benefit from seeing cards. Hands like Jack ten suited, Ace Jack suited, King Queen suited are to be played this way. 

Call your premium off-suit aces and small pocket pairs. They are hit or miss kind of hands even at this stack depth, you don’t want to play multiple streets with them but you also don’t want to fold them as they have significant equity and you don't’ want to get them in for stacks, which makes this option preferable.

4). How to play premium broadways with a short stack-

Exaamples-AK, AJ,AQ,KJ,KQ,JQ (offsuit and suited) 

These hands prefer jamming at these stack sizes against opens, you can trap once in a while against a middle/late position open with a call but mostly they like to run it and realize their equity or just win the pot which will 4-5bb 25% of your 20bb stack, quite valuable. You should call in late position with some of your weaker broadways against early opens, especially the suited ones because have a much easier time playing on low SPR rather than the off suit variety as those hands would much rather jam (AK offsuit, AQ offsuit, AJ offsuit) or fold (KQ offsuit, KJ off suit, QJ offsuit) blind vs. blind or late position vs. late position get it in against literally any open and you will be fine. 

Small/Medium Pocket pairs- These hands prefer jamming over late position opens, all of them, are some of the best candidates for it. Against early/middle position opens they prefer calling and seeing a flop, as most flops will be easy decisions with these hands at such a low SPR, you are always jamming Pocket Nines on 2-3-4 off suit boards against any aggression and always folding pocket deuces on AKJ double flush draw boards.

5). How to play Premium pocket pairs short stacked-TT, JJ, QQ, KK, AA 

These hands dominate most hands your opponents can have and are happy to play passively at this stack depth, open 2bb from early position, call any raise and now you are playing Pocket kings at 3SPR. You do not want to Jam these hands unless there are multiple opens, they play exceptionally well at low SPR that is common to this stack depth. Call from late position all early/mid opens, if more than 2 people open jam your stack, if someone 3bets call. These hands play themselves at this stack depth. JUST.DON'T.LIMP.YOUR.ACES.INTO.5.PEOPLE.AND.BLAME.ME.TELLING YOU TO PLAY PASSIVELY FOR IT. 

I joke, I kid but really, don’t do it. You want to be passive because the low SPR benefits your hands more, but you need to be cautious of the Fancy Play syndrome. Intuitively, if you feel as if you were to jam your stack, it would undoubtedly be called, Just jam it!

6). How to play Off suit and suited Aces with a short stack- This one is very simple, offsuit aces jam over anything that is not an early position open, they fold against early position opens. Suited aces call early position opens at this stack depth, Jam over everything else. 

Late position you get to jam most off suit and suited aces with 20bb, you can trap call with your suited aces late because of how much equity they have and realize even at this low an SPR, do not be afraid to rip your A3s with 15bb on HJ at a final table, play to win.

Blind vs Blind, all off suit aces are Jammed by the big blind always with only the strongest being 3bet (AK offsuit, AQ offsuit) against limps. All suited aces are called against small blind limps with the best being 3bet. If the small blind opens however instead of limping we Jam every offsuit Ace and all the high suited aces, calling only the lower ones.


7). Against 3bets late position vs. late position you want to-

Call any hand that is in your range but not Pocket Kings-Pocket Nines or AK suited 

A5 Suited to Ace queen suited all function well as calls, All premium broadways work well as calls (KQs KJs, QJs...98s 87s)

All your suited aces are calls, most suited kings are calls. 

Jam Pocket Nines to Pocket Kings, Jam Ace king suited Jam all your low suited aces (advance) to balance your range.

In these positions, you both will have wide ranges that want to play post-flop and have the maneuverability to do so making calling much more preferred in most cases as no one has a nut advantage (stronger hands in their range.

Deep Stacked poker gives you more room to play “poker”. There is more maneuverability, more opportunities to make plays, to run sick bluffs. But remember 

With great power comes great responsibility.  THE RESPONSIBILITY NOT TO SPEW!

These tricks are small helpful tidbits that will destroy all the poker players who don't have a solid grasp of the fundamentals of theory (95% of your competition), but they are just tricks at the end of the day. Nothing beats an understanding of poker, so you will need to put the effort and time in to study and play if you want to truly reach the pinnacle of success as a poker player. I hope you learned something of value today, good luck and happy grinding! You can check out Poker Launcher for the best signup bonuses if you are a new player looking to get started!

Source url - https://sites.google.com/view/7-tricks-all-online-players/


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