How to Play 3 Patti- Beginner’s Guide

 A massively popular game since the time it came out, 3 Patti has taken the entire country of India by storm. More or less a simplified version of poker, 3 Patti online (meaning three cards) is essentially a variation of poker that can be played by 3-6 people. The game is also referred to as flush and is played with a deck of 52 cards.

Especially in festive seasons like Diwali, the countless invites to card parties are something that many people look forward to. It is the ideal setting for getting to know your loved ones, playing cards, and having a good time. Taking the whole process online has made the entire process quite easy and convenient, regardless of which part of the world you are currently in. Players with real skill in 3 Patti games have a real chance at even making some money off of playing and turning this hobby into a secondary source of income. In this article, we shall get into the depths of 3 Patti and cover everything from the rules of the game to the ranking of cards.

The topics covered in this article are as follows:

1. Introduction to 3 Patti online

2. How to play 3 Patti online games?

3. 3 Patti Sequence List

4. Teen Patti online beginner tricks

5. Conclusion

1. Introduction to 3 Patti online

The game was first known to have originated in the Indian subcontinent where it is now a favorite among the people. On many occasions such as Diwali, it is the prime time to play 3 Patti as it is considered auspicious to play during this time. A fun game among family and friends, there are multiple variations of 3 Patti online games that can guarantee endless hours of fun and even encourage competitive play.

In a nutshell, Teen Patti online starts with the smallest bet in a pot. The pot is the gathering of money on the center of a table and it is ultimately won by one of the players currently on that table. The basics of the game involve the dealer who starts to distribute the cards one by one until each player has three cards each. The players then proceed to bet on who holds the best hand, with players having the option to either have a look at their cards before betting in a playstyle known as playing seen or leave the cards in a face-down position known as playing blind. The player with the best hand is declared the winner. We shall have a look at the details of how to play the game in the next topic.

2. How to play 3 Patti online games?

We mentioned a brief idea of the game and more or less introduced 3 Patti online in the previous topic. Now, we get into the details of how 3 Patti play online and what are the 3 Patti rules and regulations. Let’s start from the top. The game mainly involves each player being dealt with three cards, with each player hoping to land on the best combination to stand a chance to win. The ideal game combination is determined by the variety, type of 3 Patti game online play, and the sequence list of the cards that have been dealt to each player.

Each player is required to put the boot in the pot before the game commences. The boot generally comprises of the smallest denomination of money that players can play with at a given time, with the boot amount being decided prior to the start of the game. It can be compared with an entrance fee of sorts. Once the players have all placed their boot, the game is ready to start. Now once the game starts, players have two options to proceed with the gameplay as we mentioned above. The first option being to play “seen” where each player is permitted to look at their cards and then bet. Another alternative to participate in teen patti online is to play the game blindly without seeing your cards. If you choose to play blind, you will have to deposit twice as much into the pot. Since there is a high chance that on some occasions, you will be handed cards that you are not satisfied with. In such a situation, players are allowed to pack their cards (equivalent to folding of cards in poker) and simply leave the game. In case you do want to continue the game, you can put your “chaal” in the pot and not have to pack your game. The game then continues to play until two final players are left on the table, at which point they must expose their cards to the other players. The game ends with the player holding the better combination of cards to win the game and take home the pot. A strategy that 3 patti allows to its players is the permission to have a peek at the cards of the player who is sitting next to you. For this, you will have to pay up to 1.5 times the original “chaal” amount.

At the end of the game, players can also ask the players to show their cards. In these cases of 3 patti online games, the player with the higher cards wins. In case of a tie, the player who asked for a show loses and the other player wins the game.

3. 3 Patti Sequence List

Now that the basic idea of the rules and regulations in 3 patti have been cleared out, let us now look at the 3 Patti sequence list (most commonly referred to as the hand ranking chart or the Hierarchy of cards) that is the list of the best combination of cards that can help you win. The list provided here is in a sequential order from the best to worst that can help you play your best 3 Patti game for real money and end up in huge profits.

A. Trail of Cards (Three of a Kind)

These are those cards that have the same number and the same rank. In a game of 3 Patti online, The three diamond aces are the most powerful card. At the same time, the weakest hand in a trail is the set of “two”.

B. Pure Sequence (Straight Flush)

When all the three cards of a series are having the same colour, it is referred to as a pure sequence in teen patti online. If players land up with a king, queen, and an ace, they are said to have made a pure sequence.

C. Impure Sequence (Straight)

In an impure sequence, the three cards are a continuous 3 patti sequence in numbers, but with different colours. For example, you can get the cards of the King, Queen, and Jack in different colours. This is counted as an impure sequence.

D. Colour (Flush)

In a colour sequence (also referred to as a flush in poker) in 3 patti game online play, the cards shall be of unrelated numbers, with one common factor of the colour being the same. A fine example of the colour sequence can be three hearts of the same colour, but with different numbers on them.

E. Pair (Double)

A pair or a double refers to two cards with the same number among the three cards held by the player at a point in time. Hand pairs like Ace-Ace-king can also be used, but they must be of the same value and rank.

F. High Card (No pair)

Any set of cards that do not fall under the combination of any previously mentioned sequences is said to be high cards. They are the least powerful in a game of 3 Patti and when player’s don’t have any useful combinations of cards, their only choice is to play high cards or leave the game by packing their cards.

Teen Patti online beginner tricks

Once the understanding of the different sequences has been established, players can now proceed to learn some of these beginner tricks that they can use to gain some (if not major) advantage in games. You can also find different Teen patti online tips and professional guidance on different websites.

a. Always agree on the stakes that you wish to play at

b. Examine your opponent’s strategies and tactics to develop an edge over them

c. If you are not sure about your cards, you can choose the sideshow option where you look at the cards of the player next to you for 1.5 times the amount of your “chaal”

d. When you are not confident about your cards, it is better to pack and start a new game.

e. In unfortunate situations, if you do end up with weaker cards, you can always bluff and try to get your opponents to fold in order to increase your chances of winning.


We hope that this article was able to cover the basics of 3 Patti in its entirety. The game has largely been popularized in India, with its presence also in other countries throughout the world. The presence of a 3 Patti rules chart and also the beginner tricks for teen patti online are sure to help ease gameplay and provide players with a fun and profitable experience. One thing that player’s can keep in mind is that these rules charts and 3 Patti sequence list etc. can help with the gameplay but cannot guarantee a win. For that, the players must build their skills, focus, and their gameplay to be able to perform better and beat the other players on the table.

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