4 commandments that make you a better poker player

I will concede that it is necessary to break the rules to grow as a player. You don’t learn how to be agile on the felts and mix it up when needed until you venture into the unknown with just your mind and your instinct. But there’s a reason why rules are the rules, It’s because they are useful and practical guidelines based in poker theory that make most of your decisions not just more profitable but also simpler. It is also quite necessary to understand the rules and why they exist in the first place to learn when, how and why to effectively break them to make an insane play online poker. Today we will be giving you 4 commandments, which if you adhere to, you will see insane growth as a player in both your strategy and knowledge and provide you a solid framework to build your game and playing style upon.

1. Thou shall not bluff calling stations

A calling station, as the name gives away, is a player profile that loves calling and really hates folding, so logic would say you should not be bluffing these guys since they hate folding and you should size up all your value bets with good hands to extract the most profit from their inability to fold hands. You would be surprised how many people do the opposite and expectedly, it does not work. Don’t be naïve, this guy is not folding high card 3 streets, just accept it and adjust accordingly, value bet light against them and keep the bets coming but for the love of the poker in India gods don’t bluff them, that is what calling station live for and have wet dreams of. They are one of the easiest player types to exploit for insane profits as long as you exercise discipline and DO NOT BLUFF THEM, did I mention that enough yet?

2. Thou shall not call light against nits

On the flipside of calling stations, we have the nits or the extremely tight players who only play a few hands and are happy to let go of any hand that does not connect or make them a strong hand but will call you down with their strong hands all day.You could probably bluff them with 2 paper napkins instead of cards and have it work if they don’t have a hand. But whenever a nit has a moment of courage and decides to start firing bets in and putting in raises! You need to have a super strong hand, a promising draw or start RUNNING FOR THE WOODS.these guys don’t play, when they have it. 

They want all the money they can get and they don’t give two hoots about seeming balanced as they rely on overambitious players to pay off their obvious value bets with worse after playing 3 hands out of the 50 they were dealt and folding 2 postflop. Whenever a nit doesn’t have it,a single bet will get you the pot, but whenever they start putting up serious resistance, do not call them light. Just get it in with your strongest hands and be prepared to fold a lot of top pairs with weak and medium strength kickers! Keep opening loose on them preflop, continue betting them on the flop but as soon as they put up resistance, either have a hand or get out. Especially if it’s an old man with a coffee!

3. Thou shall not play a hand because you are bored

Being card-dead is more boring than watching paint dry. But you know what’s worse than boredom? Losing your hard earned money by playing stupid. Play the hands you are supposed to play and fold the ones you are supposed to fold. Don’t play a hand because you want to or feel comfortable playing it, just follow your strategy. On the contrary, don’t fold a hand that your strategy says you should be playing because you don’t want to or don’t feel comfortable. Make the right place anyway and you will see your poker sites in India. Getting out of your comfort zone is the name of the game.

4. Though shall not fall victim to the fancy play syndrome

You see your favourite high stakes pro make a sick play online and it inspires you, as it should. The next day in your games you get the same hand and make the same fancy play that they did, only for it to end in disappointment. Don’t fix what isn’t broken, if players are letting you get away with hardly bluffing and paying all your value bets off, keep doing that while growing your game! If your player pool is letting you get away with passivity, keep doing that. The reason pros have to make fancy plays and make fancy plays in spots for small ev advantages is their competition being incredibly competent, yours is not. I guarantee you, it isn’t. So keep it simple and effective. You don’t need to search for the fancy play, it will come to you. When you make the correct “fancy play”. It will only seem fancy to other people, to you it will just feel…correct!

Once you understand the commandments, you will have a foundation that you can add nuance to, by understanding when to bluff calling stations, when you should use the façade of being bored to play a strong hand disguised and when a fancy play is actually necessary along with much more, as for now let these commandments guide you to uncharted poker profits

Source url- https://www.pokerlauncher.com/blogs/4-commandments-that-make-you-a-better-poker-player


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