Since its inception several hundred years ago, poker has seen many variations and a wide variety of playing styles over the years. Both in tournaments and in Indian poker online , games like seven card stud, Omaha hi-lo and the most famous of all, texas hold 'em, have been developed and played over time. The structure of an online poker game usually includes nine different kinds of hands, although there are more than 2.5 million different five cards. These are called hand rankings and can be thought of as a form of hierarchy, since in most poker variations players usually win the pot if their five-card suit is the highest card on the table. In this article, we will delve into the depths of poker ranking structures and also understand which are the top rated high card combinations that can easily win you the game. The topics covered in this article are: Definition of poker hand rating structure Tips and tricks to improve your game Conclusion 1. DEFINITION OF THE POKER HAND RATING S...