How to Play Suited Connectors
Enjoy playing poker? For all those beginners out there, poker has a lot of variations in the game and some hands are really fun to play. One of those is Suited Connectors. What does a suit mean in gambling? A suit is a set of cards that are set to be consecutive in order. For example, having an ace of spades and a king of spades makes a stronger hand than an ace of spades and king of hearts. Similarly, Suited Connector is one of the most fun hands to play in Hold Em Poker. However, Holding them requires a good understanding of bluffing, overall gameplay, and implied odds. We’ll be covering the following topics in this article: 1. What are Suited Connectors? 2. How to Play Suited Connectors? 3. Why should you play suited Connectors? 4. Mistakes when Playing Suited Connectors What are Suited Connectors? There is a buzz in the poker industry with the growing popularity of a hand known as Suited Connectors. Even in the era of Online poker rooms , playing suited connectors, although tricky,...