
Showing posts from October, 2021

How to Play Suited Connectors

Enjoy playing poker? For all those beginners out there, poker has a lot of variations in the game and some hands are really fun to play. One of those is Suited Connectors. What does a suit mean in gambling? A suit is a set of cards that are set to be consecutive in order. For example, having an ace of spades and a king of spades makes a stronger hand than an ace of spades and king of hearts. Similarly, Suited Connector is one of the most fun hands to play in Hold Em Poker. However, Holding them requires a good understanding of bluffing, overall gameplay, and implied odds. We’ll be covering the following topics in this article: 1. What are Suited Connectors? 2. How to Play Suited Connectors? 3. Why should you play suited Connectors? 4. Mistakes when Playing Suited Connectors What are Suited Connectors? There is a buzz in the poker industry with the growing popularity of a hand known as Suited Connectors. Even in the era of Online poker rooms , playing suited connectors, although tricky,...

Tips to Improve Your Win Rate

Pokerlauncher provides the best tips to improve your win rate while playing online poker in India . There are many poker sites in India where you can get acquainted with the game. However, unlike other card games, poker is a sport of equal parts smarts and skill. You need to know how to double down on your win and keep your losses to a bare minimum. Timing and precision mean everything in this game. Although many of the tips and tricks of the trade can be honed over time, there are a few best practices that can help you improve your win rates. In this blog, we will present you with a few tips based on extensive research that can help you to improve your poker ratings and your chances of winning. Here’s what they are: 1. Read the Room 2. Play on a verified platform 3. Mix-it-up 4. Limit Multi-Tabling 5. Effective Bluffing Read the Room When you are playing Indian Poker online , it is a good practice to know your opponent well. Even if you are not the best player in the game, try and fin...

Effective Online Poker Strategies

Afraid of playing online Poker ? Facing stagnation? On the lookout for something better? Want to improve your Poker skills? We understand playing Poker can be rewarding but tricky at times. It’s not just a game with a bunch of cards floating around! One needs skills, countless hours of practice, and of course a stroke of luck when need be. Here are some effective online Poker strategies to make you a better poker player. Novice to Professionals, we’ve got it all covered! Don’t play every hand One of the biggest mistakes beginners make while playing is staying with a bad hand, to continue to be a part of the action. But playing longer doesn’t equate to winning more, instead, it increases the probability of you, losing more! If you find yourself stuck in half or more of the hands you’ve dealt, we think it’s time you need to upgrade your starting hand requirements. Bet size Poker is about real money! Don’t just play for the sake of impressing someone! Keep in mind who your opponents are! ...