7 Tips To Become A Better Poker Player

Being a newly minted poker player online can seem quite daunting. You have all these experienced players who have played hundreds of thousands of hands of real money poker online playing against you, the guy still trying to figure out things like what the difference between a rebuy and a re-entry is! It feels bad to get owned game after game by better players who you can’t seem to play back at all. As a newbie, it was no different for me, I had just discovered my love for poker and also discovered that it, unfortunately, doesn’t translate to skill and unfortunately does translate to losing money via the dunning-Kruger effect. (what a surprise right?). In those long nights of red bull fueled grinding, there was a senior from my college who helped me understand poker and myself better and refused to take any favors in return, when I asked him why he was a fellow philosophy major, said: “The one who plants trees, knowing that he will never sit in their shade, has at least started to unde...